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The Netherlands

Name - Ko de Rooij

Instrument - Trumpet, Cornet, Flugelhorn, Tenor Horn, Trombone

City - Serooskerke (Walcheren)

Specialty - Embouchure, Resolving mind/body conflicts

Influences - BE, Huug Steketee, Eric Vloeimans, Willem van der Vliet, Bruno Fernandes

Email - ko@balanced-embouchure.eu

Webpage - www.balanced-embouchure.eu / www.grotergeheel.nl

Name - Bert Lochs

Instrument - Trumpet, Flugelhorn

City - Nieuwegein, Alphen aan den Rijn

Specialty - Embouchure, Improvisation

Influences - BE, Willem van de Vliet, Callet

Email - info@bertlochs.com

Webpage - www.bertlochs.com

Name - Bruno Fernandes

Instrument - Natural baroque trumpet and modern trumpets

City - Amsterdam

Speciality - Baroque music

Influences - Friedemann Immer, Jean-François Madeuf, Stephen Mason, David Burt, Graham Nicholson, Jeff Smiley

Email - bruno15726@hotmail.com

Webpage - brunofernandes.org

Name - Henk Kradolfer

Instrument - Trumpet

City - Den Bosch

Specialty - range development, embouchure development, BE

Influences - Willem van der Vliet, Ruud Breuls, Ko de Rooij

Email - kradolferh@gmail.com


Name - Uwe Zaiser

Instrument - Trumpet, Principal, German Radio Philharmonic

City - Tiefenthal

Specialty - Problem-solving, by appointment

Influences - listening to Maurice André, Fred Mills, and others

Email - Uwe.Zaiser@rennquintett.de

Webpage - www.rennquintett.de / www.be-trainer.de

Name - Rüdiger Baldauf

Instrument - Trumpet

City - Cologne

Specialty - Embouchure

Influences - Claude Gordon, Allen Vizzutti, Jerome Callet, James Stamp, Carmine Caruso, Cat Anderson, Jeff Smiley; Clark Terry, Jon Faddis, Claudio Roditi, Nicholas Payton, Ack van Rooyen, James Morrison, Roy Hargrove; Prof. Robert Platt (Berlin Philharmonic)

Email - info@ruedigerbaldauf.de

Webpage - www.ruedigerbaldauf.de / https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rüdiger_Baldauf

Name - Andrew Joy

Instrument - French Horn, Principal, Cologne Radio Symphony

City - Cologne

Specialty - BE, embouchure, Mind-Body connections

Influences - Cellists, singers, Tuckwell, Baumann, Clevenger

Email - andrew@andrewjoy.com

Webpage - www.andrewjoy.com


Name: Christof Zellhofer

Instrument: Trumpet

City: Vienna

Speciality: General

Influences: mostly BE, Bo Nilsson, Leonhard Paul and listening to the great players

Email: ch_zellhofer@hotmail.com

Name: Markus Oswald

Instrument: Trumpet, French horn

City: Graz

Speciality: Embouchure and tongue, Problem-solving by appointment

Influences: BE, Malte Burba, Robert Kreutzer, studied French horn with Jim Rotondi and Günter Hoegner

Email: markusoswald@hotmail.com


Jeff Smiley’s website: www.trumpetteacher.net

BE has its own forum at Trumpet Herald: www.trumpetherald.com

Valerie Wells put BE on the map in the French Horn community and is a BE dealer in the US: beforhorn.blogspot.com

Michael Camilleri's BE FAQ-page: http://users.actrix.co.nz/mcamilleri/BE/BEFAQ.htm

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